Global Product Catalog

The Global Product Catalog makes creating products in your inventory easier than ever by pre-populating brand-verified product data using the Weedmaps database. This new time-saving feature brings consistency and accuracy to product data in BLAZE Retail® and BLAZE ECOM™.

Search the Catalog

Inventory managers can search the Global Catalog by the product name, brand, or a combination of the two to find the corresponding product. Every product that has a blue checkmark indicates a brand-verified product that includes approved data from the manufacturer.

Create New Products

Quickly create new products in your inventory that pre-populate the product data in the associate fields. This includes product name, brand, description, images, strain, and potency. New products can be created in the product and category section and with a manual PO and compliance PO.

Modify Product Information

This feature offers the flexibility to modify information like pricing, product tags, potency, and weight variances. Fields are editable to give retailers the ability to customize and optimize their products on their e-commerce website and Weedmaps menu.

Standardize Product Data

Global Catalog is designed to help standardize product data across multiple retail locations. This standardization brings consistency and accuracy to inventory reporting allowing retail owners and managers to visualize the data and make informed purchasing decisions.